Wildly Profitable Marketing for the Pet Industry 2015 Edition

Wildly Profitable Marketing for the Pet Industry 2015 Edition I’m happy to announce that my book co-author, C S Wurzberger, and I have just released a fresh 2015 update of our guide, Wildly Profitable Marketing for the Pet Industry. This is our fourth year of updating this workbook. It’s designed to be your complete road

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Simple Formula for Writing Magnetic Pet Marketing “How-to” Articles

Simple Formula for Writing Magnetic Pet Marketing “How-to” Articles By David Tomen for PetCopywriter.com Lori does the writing and email newsletters for her veterinary clinic’s website. She has a steady stream of ideas for pet-business articles her business uses when marketing to pet owners. Here, we’ll look at the formula Lori uses to write her

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Marketing to pet owners with “how-to” articles made easy

Marketing to pet owners with “how-to” articles made easy By David Tomen for PetCopywriter.com Sheri is a master at marketing to pet owners. She loves animals. Caring for pets since she was a young girl fostered a passion that led to a career as a veterinarian. Sheri soon found that sharing her know-how was a great

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pet social media tips from PetCopywriter.com

5 more ways to use social media in pet marketing

5 more ways to use social media in pet marketing By Jen Phillips April for PetCopywriter.com Social media offers a perfect opportunity for pet marketers. With a well thought out campaign, you can reach thousands of potential customers and develop loyal brand advocates. After all, social media is where your customers are. There’s nothing pet

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For the most effective pet website SEO, focus on this tactic

For the most effective pet website SEO, focus on this tactic This just in… quality content matters when it comes to attracting visitors to your pet or veterinary website! Actually, it always mattered, but a recent blog post from Marketing Profs brought it to our attention with statistics from a new marketing survey. The blog

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Photo: 7 Reasons Why Your Pet Website Should Include Video

7 Reasons Why Your Pet Website Should Include Video

7 Reasons Why Your Pet Website Should Include Video By Chris Butler for PetCopywriter.com If a picture is worth a thousand words, do you have any idea how much a one-minute video is worth? Whether you’re marketing pet products or promoting a veterinary practice, videos are priceless especially if you include an animal. According to

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Photo: success in marketing to pet owners

5 Ways to Make the Most of Your Pet Business Facebook Page

5 Ways to Make the Most of Your Pet Business Facebook Page By Jen Phillips April for PetCopywriter.com There’s a saying that people don’t wake up in the morning and go to your website, but they do wake up in the morning and go to Facebook. In fact, if you’re a pet business marketing to

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Negative link alert for pet websites

Negative link alert for pet websites The other day, David Beart from PetYak.com alerted me to a growing problem where bad links are seriously hurting pet websites with poor rankings and traffic in Google, Bing and other search engines. He said, “I found out the hard way that my website had 54,000 bogus links pointing

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How to make sure your pet web design professional has your back

How to make sure your pet web design professional has your back There’s nothing more tragic than updating your pet website or launching a new site and it’s not designed for SEO (search engine optimization) OR for the best visitor experience. I’ve heard horror stories about pet businesses working with a web designer who creates

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PetCopywriter.com image of sample landing page for pet companies

3 keys to success with pet landing pages versus websites

3 keys to success with pet landing pages versus websites Last week, I asked the folks on my PetCopywriter Facebook page if they had any specific questions about pet website success, or promoting a pet business online — something I could talk about in my next blog post. Katherine chimed in on Facebook and said:

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