Cat sitting in the middle of a mess of crumpled papers

Tidy up your pet or veterinary website, to make it more effective

Maybe you’ve caught on to the new tidying craze brought on by Marie Kondo, a Japanese consultant on decluttering and organization… and her hit show on Netflix. I bought her book a few years ago, and I loved it! And while I never fully worked my way through the entire method… I found that even

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Partially opened door with a question mark on it

Stellar Pet Industry Marketing Case Studies Part 2: Adding Curiosity

What’s the most important thing you can do to make your pet industry case studies more effective? Before I tell you that, let me tell you some fascinating case study tips I learned at a recent conference… At the AWAI Bootcamp this year, the keynote speaker was Andrew Davis. Mr. Davis is a best-selling author

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3 dogs dressed as ghosts for Halloween, with a jack-o-lantern and falling leaves

Don’t Scare Your Audience Away From Your Pet Business Website

Today I’m going to take quick a detour from the Stellar Pet Industry Marketing Case Studies series, and instead tell you a story about presenting the WRONG type of content to your audience… When I was five years old, I went to one of my first slumber parties. It was at the house of our

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Delray Beach

Top 5 Takeaways from AWAI’s Bootcamp for Your Veterinary Business

This is my second time attending the annual conference from American Writers and Artists, Inc. Each year, in addition to meeting wonderful people and enjoying beautiful Delray Beach, I’m amazed at how much information is packed into just a few short days. This year, I was honored to speak on a niche panel, where I

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Is Veterinary Telemedicine the Way of the Future?

Let’s start by defining ‘Telemedicine’… It means “the remote diagnosis and treatment of patients by means of telecommunications technology.” That’s a pretty broad definition – and could include anything from telephone consults on a specific health problem… to photos or video chats between a client and their doctor (including visual documentation of the ailment)… to

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