Does Your Copy Speak to Your Pet Industry Audience?

The written word is still one of the most effective ways to reach customers. However, there is a lot of material out there, both online and offline. In the pet and veterinary industries, your audience is bombarded with ads, articles, and emails every day. It’s a real challenge to not only capture attention, but maintain

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Smarter SEO Can Increase Traffic for Your Pet or Veterinary Website

Smarter SEO Can Increase Traffic for Your Pet or Veterinary Website Just as the latest generation of pet products includes “smart technology” that understands what’s happening with the health of a pet — You can take a smart approach to your pet or veterinary website SEO (search engine optimization) by understanding what’s happening with your

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PetCopywriter photo: was included in the post, "36 World-Class Copywriters & Marketers Reveal Their 3 Top Tips for Lead Generation"

PetCopywriter Among 36 Voices in Lead Generation Advice Article

Recently, fellow copywriter Paul Parry compiled dozens of tips on lead generation, and reached out to include Pam Foster of in his collection of voices on this subject. His blog post, titled “36 World-Class Copywriters & Marketers Reveal Their 3 Top Tips for Lead Generation” is a terrific source of tips and ideas to

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PetCopywriter included in AWAI copywriting sample book

AWAI (American Writers & Artists, Inc.), the world’s top publisher of copywriter training programs, has released an ebook of successful copywriting samples from the past 5 years, and Pam Foster’s veterinary copywriting work for the NAVC (North American Veterinary Community) is included — woo hoo! The ebook, “30 Top-Performing Copywriting Samples to Study and Steal,” includes sales

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New Local Search Data for Veterinary Practice Websites

New Local Search Data for Veterinary Practice Websites I came across an interesting local search infographic a short while ago with data that’s important if you’re in charge of marketing a local veterinary practice, and you’re competing against other local options. You see, local search is a huge deal when it comes to attracting new

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The Value of a Creative Brief for Pet and Veterinary Web Marketing

The Value of a Creative Brief for Pet and Veterinary Web Marketing I was recently interviewed by Ed Gandia of… and we talked about the many reasons copywriters should use a Creative Brief with their clients. But the reasons also benefit you if you’re marketing pet or veterinary products and services online. For instance,

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PetCopywriter image: Mini USPs can be a powerful secret to big wins on your pet or veterinary website

Mini Ways to Get Big Wins on Your Pet or Vet Website

Mini Ways to Get Big Wins on Your Pet or Vet Website I recently wrote a guest blog post for, and it’s all about the many benefits of creating a “mini USP” for each product or service you offer. My post explains that in marketing, the USP (Unique Selling Proposition) is a well-known acronym

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Pet Industry Marketers: Attract That $60B in 2015 Spending

Pet Industry Marketers: Attract That $60B in 2015 Spending Last week at the Global Pet Expo 2015, the American Pet Products Association (APPA) released its 2015 numbers on pet spending. The APPA’s annual comprehensive report covers pet spending in the segments of food, supplies/over-the-counter (OTC) medications, veterinary care, live animal purchases and other services. Overall,

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Podcast: SEO Marketing for Veterinary Practices

Podcast: SEO Marketing for Veterinary Practices What’s the secret to veterinary practice SEO? It’s much easier than you think. That’s what I explained to Brandon Breshears — Director of Operations at Rethink Veterinary Solutions and creator of The Veterinary Marketing Podcast — during our podcast conversation. Brandon and I both know that many veterinary practices

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What the .vet domain could mean to your veterinary website

What the .vet domain could mean to your veterinary website Now that the .vet domain is available, you may be wondering if you should you jump on board and register your pet or veterinary business website as a .vet version. You may be asking yourself, “Should I buy the .vet domain to help with our

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