PetAmberAlert Website Impression Above the Fold

Pet Marketing Success Begins and Ends Above the Fold

Quick — what’s the first thing your website visitors see when they arrive at your site? This is a very important question; more important than you’d ever imagine. That’s because your pet website’s first impression is EVERYTHING. If people don’t like what they see on that very first screen of your site, they probably won’t

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Best Days to Publish Pet or Vet Marketing Content

Breaking news from social sharing widget Shareaholic: “Thursdays are by far the best days to post content that will be shared on social networks, especially between 8 a.m. and 12 p.m. ET.” This is what Shareaholic discovered when it reviewed its 2011 metrics for content that yielded the most traffic and social shares, as reported

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The Ear Hug Approach to Pet Website Content

OK, there’s really no such thing as an ear hug. Or is there…? This photo provides clear evidence that ear hugs exist. Isn’t it sweet? To me, it’s the ultimate image of a warm and loving bond between two best buds. So why should you care about ear hugs? Well, as the owner of a

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3 Blog Topic Ideas for Marketing Your Pet Business

By now you may know that a pet business blog can be a very powerful way to add fresh content to your website and bring more customers to you via the search engines. But “Blogger’s Block” (What do I write about this week?) is very common. Therefore I’m happy to provide you with some blog

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Pet Internet Marketing: It’s a Dog Eat Blog world

A few blog posts ago, I talked about the incredible power and value of using a blog to market your pet business website. It really is true that blogs can move your web pages up in search results while also positioning you as a helpful guide in your business category. That’s why I call it

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Simple Blog Guidelines for Pet Business or Veterinary Practice Marketing

If you’re using a blog to market your pet business or veterinary practice, you’ll be happy to know there’s an easy formula for great results, which means better search engine rankings, more traffic and more sales. Using the following formula last fall, I started blogging tips for a pet-business services company, and just after 6

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The Golden Retriever Blogging Approach for Pet Business Marketing

Golden Retrievers are big, lovable creatures. They greet you with utter joy and share their warmth, plus they’re eager to please. They’ll fiercely loyal, no matter what. And they’ll fetch just about anything for you. What’s not to love, right? But what do Golden Retrievers have to do with successful blogging for your pet business?

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Quality Content Defined for Pet Internet Marketing

With the mission of helping you keep up with the challenging world of search engine optimization (SEO) and how pet web content works best today, I try to follow the latest guidelines, trends and events that make a big difference in search results. Finding quality websites for searchers has always been the goal of Google

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Must Love Blogs for marketing your pet business

If you’re frustrated with your pet business website and you’re thinking, “What can I do to bring in more traffic and sales?” — consider the blog. In spite of the explosive social networking platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and others, blogs are still extremely helpful for attracting customers via the search engines. Here’s proof.

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