More WOW ideas for marketing your local pet business

I was just reading Entrepreneur (October 2011) and came across a fabulous article about Animal General Hospital in Port St. Lucie, FL.

It seems that the owner of this veterinary practice figured out how to engage local-community clients and prospects online, using the practice’s website in combination with free social networking, email and YouTube plus a modest paid-search advertising campaign (Google Adwords and Facebook ads).

The result: instead of spending $27,000 over 18 months for Yellow Pages and getting lame results, his online strategy only cost $3,600 plus staff time, but his business grew with 250 new clients and $75,000 in additional annual revenue. Can you say “WOW”???

Here are 3 ideas your local pet business can take away from this as you plan your fall and winter pet marketing strategies:

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Help local customers find your pet business website

If you’re in charge of marketing a local pet business or veterinary hospital that serves a specific community, I have a question for you.

How often do people say they found you online?

The shocking truth is, sometimes when a locally-based pet business asks me to help optimize their website and boost traffic, I discover that I can’t tell where the business is physically located.

For example, you’d be amazed at how many veterinary practices, dog grooming businesses and doggy day cares don’t list the following basic information on their websites (except maybe on the About Us page, buried at the bottom):

  • The physical address
  • The towns or region they serve
  • Driving directions and a map

If this sounds like you – we can fix this problem immediately! 🙂

Here are 3 quick and simple ways to significantly improve your pet business’s search engine results and drive more people to your door.

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