More easy SEO tips for veterinary practices: A super quick and easy way to find keywords

French bulldog sleeping on the lawn

Last month, we talked about some easy SEO tips you can use right away, to help improve your practice’s searchability online. If you haven’t read it yet, I’d recommend starting there. Then, continue reading here for a super easy tip on how to find some great keywords and key phrases for your veterinary website. This … Read more

How much should you pay for a good copywriter for your pet or veterinary business?

A beagle and French bulldog in business suits at a desk

Okay, I know you were looking for a specific number here… Let me apologize in advance for giving you a very honest, but perhaps slightly frustrating, answer, which is: It depends. Because the truth is, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The good news, though, is that I have a list for you below — one … Read more

Tidy up your pet or veterinary website, to make it more effective

Cat sitting in the middle of a mess of crumpled papers

Maybe you’ve caught on to the new tidying craze brought on by Marie Kondo, a Japanese consultant on decluttering and organization… and her hit show on Netflix. I bought her book a few years ago, and I loved it! And while I never fully worked my way through the entire method… I found that even … Read more

For the most effective pet website SEO, focus on this tactic

For the most effective pet website SEO, focus on this tactic

This just in… quality content matters when it comes to attracting visitors to your pet or veterinary website! Actually, it always mattered, but a recent blog post from Marketing Profs brought it to our attention with statistics from a new marketing survey.

Survey says! Quality content, posted frequently, is critical for getting traffic from Google and other search engines.

The blog post stated, “Marketing and sales professionals say creating quality content is THE MOST EFFECTIVE search engine optimization (SEO) tactic, according to the results of a recent survey conducted by Ascend2. More than half (57%) of the global professionals polled say quality content creation is one of the most effective SEO strategies employed by their company.”*

What else matters when it comes to bringing in business through Google and other search engines? The Marketing Profs article noted these survey findings from Ascend2: “Other SEO efforts seen as effective include:

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Help local customers find your pet business website

If you’re in charge of marketing a local pet business or veterinary hospital that serves a specific community, I have a question for you.

How often do people say they found you online?

The shocking truth is, sometimes when a locally-based pet business asks me to help optimize their website and boost traffic, I discover that I can’t tell where the business is physically located.

For example, you’d be amazed at how many veterinary practices, dog grooming businesses and doggy day cares don’t list the following basic information on their websites (except maybe on the About Us page, buried at the bottom):

  • The physical address
  • The towns or region they serve
  • Driving directions and a map

If this sounds like you – we can fix this problem immediately! 🙂

Here are 3 quick and simple ways to significantly improve your pet business’s search engine results and drive more people to your door.

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Get seasonal with your pet business marketing

Ah, summer. Hot sunny days. Warm balmy nights. Fun for everyone, including pet business owners and marketers.


Because pet owners have seasonal needs that you can solve! Summer brings a mix of joyful outdoor activities with their pets… and also some dangers. For example, seasonal allergies, vacation travel and hot outdoor settings can be tricky for pets.

This means it’s an ideal time for you to market your business with a seasonal slant that meets your customers’ needs.

Let’s look at some examples of seasonal pet business marketing ideas.

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Use super footers to help customers find your pet website

It’s a bird… it’s a plane… it’s a Super Footer!!

Don’t want to clutter your website’s home page to explain what your business is all about? Try a super footer. This is a new type of website footer that includes information you don’t necessarily want to include “above the fold” where the sales copy is doing its job to convert visitors into customers.

A super footer is more like the housekeeping section of the page and may include a site map of all your web pages (a listing with links), your address and general contact info, a “blurb” about your pet business, a “sign up for our newsletter” box, or something else.

The super footer content gives you a chance to provide information about your pet business that adds credibility, context and clarity about who you are and what you do for your customers.

Let me show you some super footer examples and explain the smart strategies behind them:

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The real value of your pet website visitors

I recently came across a powerful explanation of what each visitor to your pet website can bring to your business in VALUE… whether you’re marketing to pet owners or pet businesses.

With permission from the website (a contractor marketing company), I’m happy to provide this explanation that’s quite relevant to pet business marketers as well: “Putting a Dollar Value on a Browser In Your Site”

What is pet seo and why is it important for online success?

Recently I was asked to explain the difference between SEO (search engine optimization) in general and SEO Copywriting for the pet industry… and why it matters so much.

There are a number of things that SEO means for any web site, including pet web sites, and copywriting is just one of them. I’ll try to explain concisely:

SEO is anything related to helping websites achieve decent rankings and traffic via organic search (not paid search results). If your pet web site is not being found in search engines, you’re missing huge opportunities for sales. Any of the following factors could be the problem:

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